
chat gpt에게 공부방향을물어봤다.

cantor 2022. 12. 25. 16:12
hello, i need a recommendation list of skill stack i should study. my goal is building an sns service like an instagram. first it's server should bare the milion number of people. and second, it's service can used on internet browser and mobile app. my skills are html and css and python and i have an intension to study javascrpit and many others. can you recommend about syllabus or road map that contains things i should study?

Sure, here is a recommended skill stack and syllabus for building an SNS service like Instagram:

  1. Back-end development:
  • Python: You should continue to study Python and become proficient in using it to build server-side applications. This will involve learning about data structures, algorithms, and design patterns, as well as frameworks such as Django or Flask.
  • Databases: You will need to learn how to design and implement a database to store and retrieve data efficiently. This will involve learning about different database technologies such as MySQL or MongoDB, and how to use them with Python.
  • Server infrastructure: To handle a large number of users, you will need to learn about server infrastructure and how to scale a web application. This will involve learning about cloud platforms such as AWS or GCP, as well as concepts such as load balancing, caching, and deployment.
  1. Front-end development:
  • HTML and CSS: You should continue to study and become proficient in HTML and CSS for building the user interface of your web application.
  • JavaScript: You should study JavaScript and become proficient in using it to build interactive and dynamic user interfaces. This will involve learning about frameworks such as React or Angular, as well as concepts such as asynchronous programming and web sockets.
  1. Mobile app development:
  • Mobile app development: You will need to learn how to build a mobile app for your SNS service. This will involve learning about mobile development frameworks such as React Native or Flutter, as well as concepts such as app architecture and design patterns.
  1. Other skills:
  • Project management: You will need to learn how to manage a project effectively and collaborate with a team. This will involve learning about agile development methodologies and tools such as JIRA or Trello.
  • User experience (UX) design: You should study UX design and learn how to create a user-friendly and intuitive interface for your SNS service. This will involve learning about usability principles and user research techniques.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions.



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